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4.8 ( 5008 ratings )
Sociaal netwerken Onderwijs
Developer: ResearchGate GmbH

Staying connected to the world of science is even easier with the ResearchGate app.

ACCESS 150+ million publication pages
Discover millions of publications right on your device, from anywhere.

CONNECT with 20+ million researchers
Discover other researchers and potential collaborators in your field.

STAY UP TO DATE on new research in your field
Get updates from the people you follow, and discover new and relevant research in your home feed.

TRACK YOUR STATS and get weekly reports
Keep track of your reads, citations, Research Interest Score, and more, and get notified when people interact with your work.

DOWNLOAD full-texts to read anytime
Discover interesting research while on the go, and save it to read whenever you want.

To use the app, you need to have a registered ResearchGate account and be 18+ years old.